Ill Health Retirements

Ill Health Retirements

Current Employees

To retire an employee on ill health grounds, the employee must be certified by an independent medical practitioner as permanently unable to do their current job.

Our Introduction to LGPS ill health retirements takes you through the basics, the consequences, the employer’s role and our processes. If you would like further information the LGA have produced some bite-size training.

Our Ill health liability (IHLI) insurance employer briefing note explains how employers can manage the risks of ill health retirements increasing their future contributions, thereby possibly impacting the future viability of the organisation.

Our Ill Health Form – Employees must accompany our Cessation Leavers Form.

Page 12 of our Pension Administration Strategy details the employer’s responsibilities.

Pages 42 to 43 of our Guide to the LGPS provide further information on what benefits the employee might receive.

Employees who have left

To retire a former employee on ill health grounds, the employee must be certified by an independent medical practitioner as permanently unable to do their current job.

The appropriate (dependent on when former employee left your organisation) one of our 4 Ill Health Form – Deferred… must be completed.

Page 13 of our Pension Administration Strategy details the employer’s responsibilities.

Pages 62 to 63 of our Guide to the LGPS provide further information on what benefits the employee might receive.

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