Divorce calculations

Divorce calculations

You can request divorce calculations from us by completing our Divorce Calculation Request Form.

Obtaining a Cash Equivalent Value (CEV) will enable you to see what your LGPS benefits are worth.

If you decide to share your pension as part of your divorce settlement, the Courts will instruct us to process a Pension Sharing Order to divide up your LGPS benefits.

More information about pensions and divorce or dissolution of a civil partnership is available from our Guide to the LGPS.

Tip: to add a signature to a PDF (that is best done after inputting all other fields):

  1. open the PDF in Adobe
  2. click on ‘fill and sign’ in the tool pane on the right
  3. click ‘sign’ in the middle of the pane at the top or on the thing that looks like a pen
  4. select ‘add signature’
  5. a popup will open, giving three options: type, draw, and image: select ‘Image’, collect the signature image from file and click the ‘apply’ button
  6. drag, resize and position the signature inside the PDF
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